Our Patients Enjoy An Elevated Healthcare Experience
We keep it simple for you - we're just a text or call away.
We provide same-day and next-day visits for urgent needs and even make house calls. All of this is included with your membership.
Low Cost
For less than the cost of your cell phone bill, you get full service primary care with low cost laboratories, imaging, and procedures. We strive to provide high value for our patients.
Quality Care
Our primary care providers practice evidenced-based medicine. We work together to develop healthy habits, prevent and manage disease, and achieve your health goals. We provide full service primary care.
Sign Up
Our new patient enrollment is online, simple, and streamlined. We will contact you to schedule your new patient consultation. We are usually able to see new patients within a few weeks of their enrollment.
Initial Visit
We get you started with a comprehensive telehealth visit giving us plenty of time to get to know you and your health goals, to assess your personal health risks and medical needs, and to get your preventative screenings and treatment plan initiated.
Follow Up Visit
Shortly after your Initial Visit we will follow up in person. At this visit we spend time reviewing your test results and health screenings, performing your physical exam, and creating a personalized treatment plan.
Get Back to Living!
It's no secret to us that you'd rather be enjoying your life, than spending your time receiving medical care. We want this for you too! Now that we have a plan to optimize your health, simply reach out when you need us; we will be here for you. This is smart healthcare, and you are smart for choosing it!